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tv   FOX 45 News at 530  FOX  October 14, 2011 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT

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economic boost it could provide. 3 hello... i'm jeff barnd. barnd. and i'm karen parks... the woman arrested fter throwing bleach inside a baltimore county walmart is ut of jail and now fighting for custody of herrchild. child. theresa.../ jjfferson... met with.../ crimeeand jussice reporter.../.// joy lepola .../ a... short time... ago. ago. it's .../ a... story... 3 theresa jefferson says she acted in self defense when she started slinging bleach inside a baltimore county wal-mart. &pshe just got of jail yesterday... and since then she's been trying to find out why her son is now in thh custody of his father. calvin pannell requesttd custody while filing for a jefferson. jeffereson was lockeddup at he time for throwing bleach on pannell's girlfriend inside a baltimore county wal-mart. jefferson worries about the well being
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of her 6 year old son. she fears he's ii danger .... be better off with her. 3 2:52:08 even despite what saturday unfortunattly thatt was ssmething that was self defense that's what that was :20 3 child's ffaher was granted custody considering he had a restraining order against him. following the walmart taken to the hossital. joy a shooting raisss security concerns aa a parking garage beneath the university of mmryland medical centertonightt .... the victims remains in serious but table coodition tonight... kathleen cairns reports....on how the attacc pkathleen as live lead)"the victim had just finished.. a drs appt at the univ of md medicall enter.. nd was going phrough the garage when he was attacked.. in fact he was
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attacked from behind and ssot &pseveeal times." ther is a heavy police preseece outside the plaza garage friday.... hile ollce say random attack... some be a safety has been a concern: (hospitaa worker)"i used to park there when i worked 3 to 11 and it was dark.. no one was down there friday: while news of the attack spreads quickly... it doesn't stop some pattons from parking heee. (frank chhrvat)"its so conveeient for the hospital, my wife has been in here two months so i come in here aal tte time"(cairns as llve tag) "police are still investigating this case and they wont say whether surv cameras inside the garage captured the entire episode on tape. kc fox 45 news at 5;30" an.../// mber... allrt...// for... a... germantown bby.../ áá whoseáá mother pound... murdered.../ in... her home. wedneeday.../ wednesday.../curtis..../ lopez... was arrested ...thursday.../ at... an .../ econo-lodge... in charlotte.../. ááhe''áá chargee the murder... of his.../ estranged wife.../ 51-year-old... jane mcquain../ .
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ááheráá car... and her ...11-year-old son.../ william mcqainn../ were missing... from the .../ say... mcquain.../ expreesed concern.../ about... áherr safety.../ re-emerggd ...innher life..//- áápoliceááá.. are... now focusing.../ on... the child.../// ááwho'sáá been missing... since.../ sept 30tt. áátheáá 11-year old... is described... as.../ a... bi-racial child..../ ááaboutáá 5-- feee tall.../ áá weighingáá about... 85 poundd..../ ááifáá ou have... any... information.../ call police.../// howard county policeeare searching for a suspect who tried to rob a woman and her 4-year-old daughter. daughter. &pthese surveillance photos sho a man approaching theemother and child at tte bank of road in columbia..e was armed with an unknown weapon and demanded cash.that's when the woman shouted that police had should call police. four people.../ hurt.../ afterr.. a school bus .../ crash..../ in... northeast baltimore . .it happened.../ at... walther... / ááaáá camry ... hit the bus.../ around.... 8:30.../// áábotháá &p drivers... and tww students.../
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were... hospitalizedd..// with... non-life threatening... injuries...//. áárainyáá weather../ may... have... played a role in the ccash. weather... pikely... to blame... for this.../ barn fire.../ near.../ mc-endree... and frederick roads.../ in... west friendship.../.ááfirefightersáá ...this picc../ from... the scene.../ aroond... 7:30... last night...///. áátheáá barn... was filled.../ with... 1000--bales....of hay...// áánearlyáá... 30--fiie depaatment...// vehicles.../ were... on site..../. áánoáá.../ injuries. authorities are assessing the damage... after a tornado touched down in virggnia.take &pa look at this hooe video.... video....the national weathee service says t least onee suspected tornado struck thursday... in new keet county and louisa county, virginia. that's the same area where the epicenter of the east coast homes and an elementary school were left damaged....but no injuries were reported. 3 255.. thousand runners .../ wll... taae... to the streets tomorrow.../ in... the ábiggestá... baltimore... running festival... yet. just... finishing/...// s... the goal... for some..../ it's... accomplishing... a personal.../ best time...///. ááforáá many runners.../ the...
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race.../ is... a ccance to insppre,.../ ááandáá.... to... do something... bigger... thannyourself. 27:20 i run with a group running in honor of fallen heroes. for aaman or wommn who gaae their life for my freedom, and i ill present mmy ffnishers medal to his family to show my respect for their loss. 3321 after chemo, or wwlking r runninn, and t would giveeme strength.. it would give me hhpe. hope.this yyar.../ the... race... has drawn runners.../ world- wide...// . áánearlyáá... half... the runners .../ are... from.../ &pbaltimore businesses are already declared winners in the race... bbfore it even starts! the marathon ii expected to generate about 30- million dollars for the local economy. downtown hotels and ressauuants areeamong the businesses not as closeeto the the baltimore convention at - 57:388it peaas interest people pre hearing about the running and the marathon and the expo and that kinda stuff. it's
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nice tooggt the name out there if they haven't alreadyy46 p6it's not just local businesses benefitting from the race. the marathon is million dolllrs for local one - charities.. thhre... are...some... changes...// to... the roote...// this we're... going... to use .../ oor... smart- board.../ to.... show you... what's new. one.../ thing....that's staying.../ the sameá.../ p is... the starting lin. at... camden yards.... go... up... paca - streee.../onto... mccullogh str/ street.../áábutáá... here's... where it... changes...../// áárunnersáá... will... go thru.../ thee.. maryland zoo... in baltimore.../ 4..../ááturningáá / around... changes.// áárunnersáá... will... go back... down .../ to... the inner harbor...//.áábutáá around .../ g at... fort mc-henry..../ will... turnnaround.../ aa.../ under armour ...headquarrers.../ at... mile 11...///. 11...///.áátheáá... rest ...of the course.../ should be fam/ race... ges past... patterson park../ . and... arounn.../ lake ontebello.../ at.,.. mile 21.../// 21...///áátheeáá runnerss...head toward ...thh finish line../. line....ááandáá cross t.../ at... ccmden ards.../
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at.../ mile... 26.2. downtown... baltimore.../ will... be... shut down .../ for ...several hoors.../ during... the marathon. marathon. brandi proctor.../ in... our traffic edge... repor. 3eport. get... more information.../
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including... a detailed map of the course.../ ááandáá... a... complete list... of road closures... / at...// foxbaltimooe dot com.../ 33 the ravens take on houston this weekknd...and many of you are showing your purple pride. pride. takk look... at this pic... of our viewees...//ááifáá the ravens ...need... any... back up.../ are... rrady to go. we're.../ looking...// por... all ... ravens fans.../ to... send us ... photos ../ showing off ...your... "purple pride".../. áágoáá to... foxbaltimore dottcom.../ click community features section. the... postal service.../ gets... personal... personal...what they're doing with your private information... &p3 a cat gets caught in a jam....why this annmal had to be rescued twice in ne day.... ww were appalled. we were 3xtremely mad. - &p a... shocking crime... caught on amera.../ ááwhatáá these crooks... took.../ from a little girl... 3
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--adblib weather tt-- [ female announcer ] at,
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you can choose your channel package. ♪ you can choose your own internet speeds. ♪ you can even choose to chat with a live person. ♪ and you're always guaranteed the lowest prices online. so don't wait... try, compare and buy at today. because there's never been a better time to build the perfect fios bundle.
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because there's never been a better time have you changed your address ? lately? &ppf so.../, ááyourááá mailbox.../ could... soon be crammed .../ with junk mail. turns out.../ the.../ u--s... ost office.../ &p is... providing information.../ from ... forms..../ to...
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directt../ ail marketers...///. ááthoseáá' changing... theirr ddress.../ say.../ to... opt out.. (2:15) "it irritates me cause i'm in marketing and thats spam. if they're selling my new address to peopll i didn't ask it to be sold to..." to..." critics pccuse the postal service of violating the federal privacy act.. but the postal service insists its done nothing illegal. here's... our... question of theeday...// áádoáá ou thinkk.. tte postal serviie.../ should... be allowed.../ to... sell your... personal information? go... to baltimore doo comm../ . what you think.../. áásoundáá off... thru &pfacebook.../. áásendáá us... a tweet.../// ááwatcháá your responses tonight.../ at 10. some frightening mommnts.... at an air shhw in china... when a ighter jet takes a nose dive. dive. you can seeethe jet spinning toward the ground .... then bursting into flames. the pilot safely pjected froo the cockpii moments before the crash.... the two seat fighter jet -- also known as a "flying the chinese military. . 3 two.../ crooks.../
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caught on camera.. / stealing money ../ .meant... for a sick child. child. p watch.../ as... he.../ in... - blatantly... steals a donation jar.../ from... a piiza shop... in scranton, pennsylvania.../. ááittá was... áthereá... to dence... o'donnell,.../ leukemia.../. áámeganáá winsor ...put the jar... in the stooe .../ last december..// ááandáá was stunned.../ to see... someone took it. phy would somebody do that? you know what i mean? it's for a two, she ust turred two in september. she hassleukemia. why would you takeeit from her? if your life's that bad, &pyou can do something else besides steal from an infant. pollce say.../ the... the white tee.../ grabbed... the jar...// áátheáá... second man... in bllck, .../ behind him,...// ááhandedáá himm.. a shirt... to conceal the jar. an ohio woman tried to do the right thing hen she hit a cat with her mmni van... but things went from bad to worse when she put the cat in her car and ittcrawled into the daahboard ann got stuck!it took three hours for a mechanic to free the feline. the woman is now considering
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adopting the at. 3 paying for pounds...and we're otttalking about yyur luggage....///coming up... one aiiline's new requiremmnts for overweight passenners. 3 --adblib weather tz-- top... 32../
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&p on... "the x factor" .../ are...// now... working with.../ the judges...// it.../ to... the rs - sweet ...sixteen.... ...sixteen.....a maayland girl is innthat top tier. ((we get an uudate on her progress n &pthe show, from ccndace dold i tonight's lowdown. (((pkg))) paige elizabeth ogle is froo perry hall.. but she was invited to californna.. to work with paulaaabdul and rapper the 18-year-old originally enteree the ompetition as a soloist, but she wasselimmited. the judges gave her a lifeline and put her and three othee girls into thissgroup.we didn't get much feedback from the judgee...but paige is looking forrarr to hearing their thooghts. 9:38-those people are there to help you, if theres something wrong with me that you think could be
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perfecttd...tell me, it might huut hearing it, but its not going to hurt you in the loon runyou can see the paige and anotter contestant from mmryland.. marcus canty.. when the judges home round continuesson sunday and tuesday at 8pm here on fox45. i'm candace dold and that's your lowdown. 3 p southwest airlines and air-tran airways arr addingga charge for overweight customers. customers. &p3 starting in march.. bott airlines will require passengers to purchase tto seats iffcompann employees deem them "customers of size." pill refund the additional seattpprchase following travel... if the flight was nnt oversold. 3&p new study sayscouples with more monee are ore likely to &phhve relationssip problems. researchers studied more than seventeen hundred couples in the .s. they found
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thht spouses who placed a higger importanne on money ... were less likely to be happy in their relationship. materiilistic behavior with lower levels of emotional maturity and less effective communication. either... really bright sun...// or... it was raining sidewaas... &p today let's check in witt meteooologist emily see how long it will stick arou. around. 3 when... news breaks.. /
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ááaccessáá the... latest information... right on your... cell phone.../. áádownloadáá app... for your droid... or i-phone.../. ááátáá has... headlines.. traffic.. and weather conditions.. / ááalláá at... your fingertips.../. áágoáá to... foxbaltimore dot com
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.../ and... look ffr... "mobile".../ at... the... right... of the "im the second nikki minaa!" minajj" singer nicki minaj has some competition... in the form of an 8 year old girl.what happens wheentheetwo come face to face foo the first time.... next.
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úñ ugh, time to color. woohoo! whoa. haircolor is a chore no more! you gotta come see what's new. c'mon! tadaaa! welcome to haircolor heaven.
5:55 pm
aa-ah-ahhh! courtesy of new nice 'n easy colorblend foam. permanent, dimensional color, now in a delightful foam! just three shakes, foam it, love it! simply saturate hair root to tip, front to back. with tones and highlights. it's foamtastic! home haircolor, make room for foam haircolor! new nice 'n easy colorblend foam. your right color. &phey everyone i'm morgan adsit. he was the one guy john harbaugh wanted back the most after having the bye week off...wide receiver lee evans... evans...and today the ravens injury report confirming... he's out for sunday's game with houston...t's the ankle evans played in week one and week two...but hasn't playyd joe flacco connect during the - preseason... hopes sky rocketed that evans could be theeguy the ravens offense needssto stretch the fiell. harbaugh said today it's ddsappointing... and hh thought evans would be back by . well there's good innury news p guess for the ravens.they aren't alone....the texans lost outside linebacker and
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beast mario williams last the whole season..e had suugery today to repair a orn pectoral muscle..receiver sunday.he's stilllnursing a right hamstring injurr. .we'll have more on the ravens our &pcoming up tonight at 10-50 an 11-30 on sports unlimited... the skies... hhve clearrd../ . áábutáá will... the rain... stay away .../ for the weekend? weekeed? let's check back with meteorologist emily gracey for
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a look at the forecast. foreeast..- a famous pop star is getting a run for her money... from a young singing sensation. coming your way. boom ba boom boom 3 8-year old... sophia grace... brownly.../ is... a... youttbe hitt.../ blowing ...america away ...with her vvrsion... of.../ the.../ nicki...// minnj, .../ "super... base"...///áásheáá and... her cousin rosie... // have... gotten... more than .../ 99 ...million views... online....// áátheáá littte girl... from essex,... captured the n.../ attention... of../ nicki miiaj ...herseef... / ááwhoáá .../ tweeted.../ that... she wanted meet.../ the girl...//.áásoáá.../ when ...sophia gracc... / ááshe áá
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got... the surprise of her life. 3 "come on out nikki.... girls pcceaming and hugging nikki" nikki" soohia grace.../ was excited...// as... were her parents...//// ááthenáá they sang ...a duet..../ ááandáá...// she... danced ... thru...// the... commercial break. 3 thaa's all for foxx5 news at 5:30."judge judy" is next. next.and we'll be back tonight ffr fox45 news at ten -- and 11...we'll see you later. later. ,
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